Hostel São Paulo, Brazil

(62 reviews)62

Nos ajude na limpeza e aproveite o rolê em SP!

Top Host
This host receives lots of worldpackers and has a high average rating, being recognized by the community as a Top Host.
Higher chance of approval
This host has recently approved volunteers and is looking for more applications.
Connect with the locals
34 travelers recommend this host to have close contact with locals
Immerse yourself in the local culture
33 travelers recommend this host for those looking for a local cultural immersion
Needs help immediately
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What you offer


Hours per day
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Help clean the kitchen, bedrooms, bathrooms and common areas.
Help with changing the bed linens and general housekeeping.
Help grow plants and cultivate gardens
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
Shared Dorm
You will have a bed in a shared room, which means you will share the same room with other travelers.
Basic Internet Access
Basic speed internet for you to work remotely
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
4 weeks
Stay up to
12 weeks

The Experience

Somos um Hostel focado em tecnologia, empreendedorismo, arte urbana e cultura. Buscamos um voluntário que queira viver uma experiência diferente e aproveitar o que SP tem de melhor. Precisamos de ajuda com a limpeza e organização dos quartos em geral.

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  • Fluent Spanish or Fluent English
  • Between 18 and 50 years old
  • Only hosts solo volunteers (doesn’t accept couples or partners)

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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Talk to those who have lived the experience

In our community, you can talk to worldpackers who have already collaborated with this host and get your questions answered directly.

You can ask things like:

  • a) How was your experience with this host?
  • b) How was your day-to-day routine?
  • c) How much did you spend on this trip?

62 Reviews


Host & Team


Hours & Tasks




Learning & Fun


How this experience will transform you

  • 34 Meeting locals
  • 33 Immersing in the local culture
  • 28 Meeting international travelers
  • 19 Practicing English
  • 18 Practicing Spanish
  • 17 Developing social awareness

This host contributes to Sustainable Development Goals

  • 7 8. Decent work and economic growth
  • 7 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure
  • 6 11. Sustainable cities and communities



The hostel is such a great place to da volunteer in são paulo, they are super flexible and organization of the tasks give you the time to walk around and have fun in the city, also the place is central and you can find lot's of activities near. The people there are so nice and they always try to include you and make a lovely friendship based in good and positive energy, and they are always open to teach you languages and exchange cultural knowledge

over 1 year ago

Hacker replied

We love you ♥

United States


The hostel was a nice place to relax within the busy city, but I think May-august is quite slow for tourism anyway. The staff were kind and welcoming, and Guilherme is a sweetheart. I'd recommend, especially if you have a remote job you can perform from the coworking space upstairs.

over 1 year ago



It was a great experience. Very cool hostel! I would like to return some day.

over 6 years ago



La verdad mi experiencia en el hostel fue muy buena, sinceramente no me puedo quejar, conocí a muchas gente legal, Fabio el encargado siempre fue muy buena conmigo, el es una persona muy buena y súper comprensivo con todo, siempre preocupado por los voluntarios, el me acomodo horarios para que pueda trabajar y me hize sentir en un ambiente confortable! Fue una experiencia super linda para mí, gracias al hostel y a Fabio por permitirme ser parte de esa experiencia!

7 months ago

Hacker replied

¡Escribiré en portugués!
Adorei trabalhar com a Micaela, uma pessoa maravilhosa, muito alegre, comunicativa, compromissada, proativa, super indico!
Ajudou muito no Hostel, sempre entregou além do combinado!
Obrigado por tudo minha amiga, tudo dy bom e melhor sempreeeee!



Amo esse lugar, foi minha segunda vez no hostel e a experiência foi ótima.

7 months ago

Hacker replied

Valeu demais todo esse tempo que passamos juntos, foram várias vivencias, tudo dy bom e melhor sempre!

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About the host

  • • Recently Online

Hosted by Hacker

Top Host
This host receives a lot of worldpackers and has a high average rating.
Response Rate
This host usually answers to 40% of the messages
1 published videos
This host has 1 published videos showing a little bit about their place

Want to know more about this host?

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