Camping Yongin-si, South Korea

(8 reviews)8

Experience Korea camping culture!!

Higher chance of approval
This host has recently approved volunteers and is looking for more applications.
Connect with the locals
6 travelers recommend this host to have close contact with locals
Immerse yourself in the local culture
6 travelers recommend this host for those looking for a local cultural immersion
Accepts couples and pairs of volunteers
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What you offer


Hours per week
Help out and collaborate with your host only a few hours per week.
Help with painting, graffiti, sculpting or drawing.
Painting & Decorating
Help with painting or decorating the property facilities.
Building & Repairing
Help with a wide range of repairs or building.
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What you get


Days off per week
Have some time off for yourself, go explore the city or rest for a while.
Shared Dorm
You will have a bed in a shared room, which means you will share the same room with other travelers.
You will sleep in a tent at a camping site.
You are entitled to a free breakfast, every day of your stay.
You are entitled to a free lunch, every day of your stay.
You are entitled to a free dinner, every day of your stay.
Use our equipped kitchen
Feel free to use our kitchen and make your own delicious food.
Free Laundry
You can use our laundry room freely.
Discounts on Parties
Get discounts at nearby parties and clubs.
Discounts on Restaurants
Get discounts at nearby restaurants.
Discounts on Pubs
Get discounts at nearby pubs.
Discounts on Drinks
Get discounts for drinks and beverages from our bar.
Discounts on Tours
Get discounts for tours and excursions around town.
Discounts on Accommodation
Get discounts for your stay in other hostels.
Bikes at your disposal
You can use our bikes any time you want.
Pick Up
We will pick you up when you arrive, and take you to our property.
Get help from the Worldpackers support team in case you need it, at any point of your trip.
Verified Host
This host has been verified by our team before joining the community.
WP Safeguard
Did something not go as planned? Contact our team.
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Stay at least
3 weeks

The Experience

Let's enjoy Korea camping culture!! Camping restaurant with swimming pool! - Support cooking - Cleaning - Serving - Barista

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  • Intermediate English
  • Between 18 and 50 years old
  • Welcomes solo volunteers, couples, and partners of volunteers

What's not included

Flights, Travel Insurance, Internal Transportation and Visa

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You can ask things like:

  • a) How was your experience with this host?
  • b) How was your day-to-day routine?
  • c) How much did you spend on this trip?

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8 Reviews


Host & Team


Hours & Tasks




Learning & Fun


How this experience will transform you

  • 6 Meeting locals
  • 6 Immersing in the local culture
  • 5 Get in touch with nature
  • 5 Meeting international travelers
  • 3 Practicing English
  • 2 Developing social awareness

This host contributes to Sustainable Development Goals

  • 1 11. Sustainable cities and communities

Czech Republic


My experience volunteering here was definitely positive. There are things to improve, mostly communication (using English is challenging) and living spaces. On the other hand, the team is absolutely amazing, you get unlimited food, and the host tries his best to show you the culture and make your stay worthwhile.

5 months ago

changyong Peter replied

Matt's support over the past two months has been invaluable.
He is very strong and has good communication skills, so I tried to give him a lot of experiences in Korea.
We have shared delicious Korean food and travelled to other parts of the world together.
I am forever grateful to Matt for his dedication and support.
I wish you a safe journey to Canada.



My experience at From Bali was really great! The staff is really amazing. Even though I was the only volunteer there I really felt welcomed and always included. The work is nothing difficult to do but during weekend it can get very intense as there are many costumers. Peter is really kind and I had the opportunity to experience a lot of different things and foods :) I will be back! :)

6 months ago

changyong Peter replied

Carolina for visiting during our busiest season and showing so much effort!
Thank you so much, thank you so much.
You always kept a smile on your face and maintained a good relationship with the staff, even when things got tough.

I know you will do well wherever you go and whatever you do with such enthusiasm!

United States


My experience at the camping was my second with Worldpackers. Like any new job , it took me at least a week to get comfortable with the work flow. However, the beauty of the environment and its remote location from the city made it all worth it .In terms of the job description , be prepared to be busy on weekends but enjoy a more calm atmosphere during the weekdays. Always make sure to check with the manager for any tasks that need to be completed. I must mention Mr . Peter 's generosity when it comes to food and the kindness of the staff members who made my stay unforgettable.

9 months ago

changyong Peter replied

Leo always has a smile on his face and gets the job done!
Your efforts during the busy season have been a great encouragement to me ^^.
I'll be in touch when I visit Hawaii one day.

I hope you had a great time in Korea.

Korea, South


Overall I didn't feel welcome. No one really talked to me, which might have been because the owner wasn't there most of the time and the other staff didn't speak english very well. Although the other staff was very nice and caring. I got to sleep in one of the tent/hut-things at first but then was changed to a horrendous room. For no apparent reason because I could go to an other normal hut after I told the owner that I could not sleep in this room. I left the day after that and I am still happy with that decision.

5 months ago

Czech Republic


There is some space for improvement but the experience overall was good. There are two locations so you might have a choice to relocate to the south of Korea. The location closer to Seoul has a very small room with no window, bathroom with no sink, and it might not be for you if you're sensitive to mold. The staff is nice. The working hours can be up to 8 hours, lunch break not included, so keep that in mind.

6 months ago

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About the host

Hosted by changyong Peter

Response Rate
This host usually answers to 90% of the messages
Response Time
This host usually writes back in Less than a day
1 published videos
This host has 1 published videos showing a little bit about their place

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