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Worldpackers traveler's guide for verified members

Whether you're new to travel or a seasoned adventurer, we've put together some information to get you started on your journey exploring the world as a Worldpacker. Use this guide to make the most of your Worldpackers travel experience.


May 05, 2023


Guide for Verified Members

You've finally taken the leap of faith to fulfill your travel dreams... you just became a Worldpackers Verified Member!

We are a global, collaborative community of almost two million travelers, and we're so glad you've made it.

We want you to have the best Worldpackers experience possible. Whether you're new to travel or a seasoned adventurer, we've put together some information to get you started on your journey exploring the world as a Worldpacker.

This Worldpackers Traveler's Guide for Verified Members covers every aspect of the Worldpackers experience. 

The articles linked throughout this piece have all been written by members of the Worldpackers community. We highly recommend digging in and giving these a read, as doing so will give you valuable insight into the Worldpackers travel experience while also familiarizing you with our Community Blog.

One of the many perks of being a Verified Member is that after traveling with Worldpackers, you'll have the opportunity to apply for our unique selection of Worldpackers Gigs. These freelance gigs have been curated (by us!) for members of our community who are passionate about transformational travel and want to earn money while on the road.

To learn more about using all the benefits of being a Verified Worldpackers Member to your maximum advantage, read on.

Worldpackers Traveler's Guide for Verified Members

General information

1.1 What to put in your Worldpackers traveler profile

1.2 How to apply for a position

1.3 Types of questions to expect from hosts during the application process

1.4 How to increase your chances of being accepted by a host

1.5 Traveling as a couple

1.6 Applying for a position that doesn't match your skill-set

1.7 Required documentation for your trip

1.8 The importance of confirming your trip and leaving a review once it's over


2.1 Packing

2.2 Budgeting

2.3 Accessing your Worldpackers travel insurance

While traveling

3.1 How to be a good Worldpackers volunteer

3.2 The best travel apps

3.3 Safety

3.4 Language learning

3.5 Making money on the road

1. General information

General Information about traveling with Worldpackers

1.1. What to put in your Worldpackers traveler profile

Before selecting the best Worldpackers opportunity for you, you'll need to complete your Worldpackers traveler profile. It's important to present yourself in an authentic manner so that there is complete transparency between you and any potential hosts. 

Think of your profile as a resume, which it essentially is, and put some effort into it. In addition to your personal information, profile photo and languages, add a detailed but concise description of your personal interests, hobbies, and skillsets.

Ultimately, your profile should highlight your purpose for travel and the skills you wish to offer in exchange for accommodation with your host

If you're not sure how to make your Worldpackers profile more appealing to hosts, check out our article on how to create a winning Worldpacker's profile. This will help you go over each section of your profile individually, and offers step-by-step instructions to creating an attractive Worldpackers profile so you can be selected by the best hosts.

1.2 How to apply for a position

When applying for a specific position, the most important thing you should pay attention to is the description of the opportunity (and host) you're applying for. This will tell you what the host is looking for and give you an idea if the experience they're offering is a match for your personality, interests, and needs.

You will need to tell the host your travel dates — the day you wish to start your volunteering, and the day you wish to end it. There will also be several questions you are expected to answer. Always answer honestly. Again, it's very important to present yourself in an authentic manner so that there is complete transparency between you and your potential host.

The more detailed you are and the more you show your personality, the more chances you have of being accepted — it's that simple! Show your passion, be honest about your experience, and then hope for the best!

To learn more about how to apply for a position and find the ideal opportunity for you, we recommend consulting Madelyn's article, Traveling with Worldpackers: your top questions answered. Written by a Worldpackers Expert, Madelyn's article aims to answer some of the top questions asked about using Worldpackers. Scroll down to section 4 of Madelyn's article for her top tips on applying for your ultimate Worldpackers host match.

1.3 Types of questions to expect from hosts during the application process

When you apply for a position, there will usually be several questions you are expected to answer. 

In addition to "ice-breaker" questions, the host may also ask you why you want to apply for their experience. 

We recommend writing why you think it would be fun to volunteer with them, as well as why you think you will be a useful and a good fit for that position and environment.

For you to experience the Worldpackers work exchange concept in an authentic way, it's essential that your exchange is a win-win for both parties involved; you, and your host. The skills you offer should help make your host more successful, while your host should empower you by offering the tools to learn, grow, and make the most of your travel experience.

If you have questions for the host, it's important to ask them before making your travel arrangements to volunteer with them. Don't be afraid to ask questions! It shows you are genuinely interested in the experience they are offering and value your commitment and responsibility in the exchange.

For an overview on what questions to ask work exchange hosts to ensure your Worldpackers experience is meaningful, check out these 20 questions to ask your Worldpackers host before you commit.

1.4 How to increase your chances of being accepted by a host

Worldpackers is intended to be a personalized travel experience. We want you to find a host that supports your interests, goals, and needs, and in turn, we want you to support the host with theirs! This is the true essence of a collaborative travel relationship.

To increase your chances of being accepted by a host, you need to show them that your expectations align with theirs. The best way to do this is to:

  • Establish the purpose of your trip
  • Consider what matches your style
  • Be clear about any specific personal needs
  • Be clear about your interests and goals

Once you've established what you're looking for, you'll be able to determine which experiences are right for you

Fill out your traveler's profile in its entirety, and when you move on to the application process, show that you've thoroughly read the host's profile and that you understand (and meet) the necessary requirements.

Never copy and paste the same application; each Worldpackers host is unique, and each different position application you submit should reflect that. 

You want your travel experience to be personalized for you, so take the time to create a personalized application for your host.

Offer as much relevant information as you can while staying clear and concise. It's also important to always write your application in the language requested by the host. If you cannot speak the language requested, write your application in English.

Here are some other useful tips to increase your chances of being accepted by a host:

  • Keep your options open. Don't only apply to one position. Instead, find the experiences that peak your interest and align with your travel intentions, and trust that you will match with the opportunity that suits you best. Most destinations offer multiple hosts to choose from, and depending on the time of year you're applying, several of those hosts might not need volunteers.
  • Travel alone. Traveling alone increases your chances of being accepted as many hosts only accept one Worldpacker at a time. If you want to travel with your partner or friends, we recommend reaching out to farms, eco villages and NGOs as they tend to accept Worldpackers traveling in pairs or even groups.
  • Apply two to eight weeks in advance (at most). The majority of hosts are unable to plan far in advance. At Worldpackers, you can apply for a position up to six months before your arrival date but the host may not accept you because they don't know if they'll need your help during the time period of your trip. Be patient, don't stress, and submit your applications between two and eight weeks before your intended arrival!

1.5 Traveling as a couple

Ah, couple travel

At Worldpackers, we're huge fans of traveling the world with the person you love. To support this, we recently starting offering the Worldpackers Couple and Friends Plan... which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like — a plan for a couple or two friends who are traveling together!

If you're a Verified Member who has opted for the Couple and Friends Plan, it's imperative that you note the name and email of the person who will be traveling with you after making your membership payment. 

Your guest will only also become a Verified Member after accepting your invitation, upon which your plan will officially be verified for both of you.

Once you have both been verified, you can apply to any host that accepts doubles. Remember that it's only possible to apply for volunteer positions if both profiles are completed and if both of you fulfill the characteristics required on the position description.

When a host pre-approves you, both of you will receive the notification, but only one of you need to confirm with the host so that the trip for the two of you is confirmed.

If you do not plan on purchasing the Couple and Friends Plan but want to travel as a couple through Worldpackers, you and your traveling buddy must each have your own Verified Member accounts and profiles, and each of you will need to apply to the host separately.

It's important to remember that hosts need to know exactly who is coming to work with them. While you may know your partner really well, the host doesn't, and they will need to see both of your profiles to figure out if it will be a good fit!

1.6 Applying for a position that doesn't match your skill-set

While browsing the many opportunities available to you, you might come across a host you love offering a position that doesn't necessarily match your skillset. 

If your heart is set on a particular experience you're worried you might not be qualified for, reach out to the host and explain what you have to offer and more importantly, what you're willing to learn.

Being a Worldpacker is about self-development. If you're passionate about learning and have an appetite for growth, it's likely that hosts will see your drive and potential and take a chance on you.

Successful collaborative relationships are built on trust and empowerment. Always be honest with hosts from the very beginning. If you present yourself in an authentic way and show that you have what it takes to fulfill the requirements necessary for the position you're interested in, you'll be well on your way to a perfect traveler-host match.

1.7 Required documentation for your trip

You are responsible for obtaining all necessary documents to enter your destination country, including your visa. 

Remember that each country has a different visa policy for different nationalities. Always check the embassy website for the country you are traveling to and thoroughly review the required documentation listed before traveling.

1.8 The importance of confirming your trip and leaving a review once it's over

It is of vital importance that you confirm your trip through the Worldpackers platform so that you will be guaranteed to receive our benefits, such as your Worldpackers Traveler's Insurance.

If your trip has not been confirmed, you will not have access to Worldpackers insurance and we will not be able to support you in the case of any issue that may arise. To learn more about accessing your insurance as a Verified Member, please refer to section 2.3 of this text. 

As a Verified Member, once you confirm your trip, you will also receive a Travel Confirmation Voucher. Depending on the country you are traveling to, this might come in handy as proof of your purpose of travel. Most travelers will use this to show immigration that they have a place to stay, but it's important to note that this documentation is NOT interchangeable with a visa. 

Confirming your trip will also allow you to leave a review for your host once you've completed your experience. We believe our review system helps create a more transparent and secure Worldpackers community. 

When writing your review, honesty is key, but always be respectful and follow our Ratings Policy to avoid any issues. Please note:

  • Worldpackers does not tolerate offensive, discriminatory, or aggressive language, and any reviews including comments of this nature will be removed immediately.
  • Do not make any accusations. You do not want to expose someone if you have no hard evidence against that person.

If your review does not follow adhere to these guidelines, we may delete it and ask you to re-write it. Reviews are important to ensure that hosts and travelers are informed by real opinions before confirming their trip, and play a critical role in helping new travelers select their host experiences. We will not delete any reviews except those that violate the conditions of our Ratings Policy.

If you have a bad experience, you can always send a message to our team. It's always best to report immediately, so that we can take the necessary steps to address the issue at hand. 

2. Pre-travel

Planning your Worldpackers trip

2.1 Packing

Lucky for you, our experienced travelers have put together some of the most comprehensive packing guides out there. These guides are tailored to the Worldpackers experience and offer unique, specialized packing tips to help you lighten your load and travel smarter.

2.2 Budgeting

Worldpackers travelers are experts when it comes to budgeting. As a result, we'd like to think our budget travel content is top quality. 

The following budget travel guides are some of our absolute best contributions, and offer tips and advice to take your budget travel hacking skills to the next level.

Check out...

  • A beginner's guide on how to plan your travel budget; for Kimberli's complete guide to planning a budget for any vacation, including what to plan for in your budget, how to determine your daily budget, and how much money you should have available in case of emergencies.
  • How to find cheap airfare anytime of year; if you want to afford more flights each year while still traveling on a budget. Adam's 10 flight-hacking techniques will teach you how to find cheap airfare anytime of year, which means more money for adventures!
  • How to travel on budget: travelers' tips and hacks; if your number one barrier to traveling is money, learn Julie's best tips to travel on a budget and have incredible international experiences without putting a huge dent in your wallet.
  • The best places to travel on a budget: an A-Z guide; if traveling the world and having life-changing experiences on a daily basis sounds too expensive for you, know this: it doesn't have to be. Let Adam take you on an A-Z tour of the world's best places to travel on a budget.
  • The best ways to save money while traveling; if you're dreaming of an amazing trip around the world, but feel like you can't take it because you don't have the money to pay for it. Use Madeline's travel tips for the best ways to save money while traveling!
  • How to travel Europe on a backpacker's budget; if you're dreaming of going on a Europe trip. Check out Gabby's top tips for navigating the incredible continent of Europe, all while on a backpacker budget!
  • 15 places to travel in your 20's on a budget; if you're young and seeking out more unique and affordable ways to travel, don't miss out on Gabby's top 15 picks for affordable and gorgeous budget-friendly countries.

  • 7 actionable ways to save money while traveling; if you're willing to be a little flexible and put in a bit of extra time when planning, travel doesn't have to be expensive! Find out Kimberli's 7 easy and actionable ways to save money while traveling. 

2.3 Accessing your Worldpackers travel insurance

If something doesn't go the way you've expected during your experience, we have a Support Team that is highly qualified to help you when needed.

If any issue arises during your Worldpackers experience, send us a message immediately. All Verified Members have access to an exclusive internal chat feature through the Worldpackers platform; however, this chat feature is not automated. We give individual, personalized attention to each message we receive, so if you don't hear back from us right away, don't panic. We promise we will be with you as soon as possible.

If something happens between you and another volunteer or guest that makes you feel unsafe, speak to the management at your placement immediately. On the other hand, if your host does something that isn't cool and you don't want to continue your placement there, no worries.

If they are entirely at fault, Worldpackers will give you three nights stay somewhere in the area and afterwards we'll help you find a new hostel to stay in.

To access your Worldpackers Traveler's Insurance, send a message to our team reporting the problem at hand and we will analyze if insurance coverage is applicable towards your case.

3. While traveling

On the road with Worldpackers

3.1 How to be a good Worldpackers volunteer

Our community is based on trust, transparency, and initiative. Being a good volunteer is about more than simply fulfilling the requirements of your position. 

While it's important that you complete the tasks assigned to you by your host, it's just as important that you contribute to a positive and supportive environment for the other volunteers present. 

To be a good volunteer, you should always

  • Keep your personal space organized 
  • Wash your dishes and clean up after yourself using the kitchen; don't eat food that isn't yours
  • Be mindful of shared spaces; don't turn on the shared room light late at night, let your alarm clock ring several times, or linger in shared bathrooms
  • Arrive to your shifts on time and perform your tasks as you've been asked
  • Notify your host if you're planning on traveling during your days off
  • Be proactive and take initiative
  • Be respectful and always show kindness to others around you. Any aggressive, discriminatory, or offensive comments will not be tolerated.
  • Be solution-oriented when it comes to any issues or challenges you might face

Fore more tips on how to be a five-star volunteer and get the most out of your Worldpackers experience, check out Luiza's article on the 10 commandments of how to be a good volunteer.

3.2 The best travel apps

One of the best ways for travelers to use modern technology to its full potential is to download travel apps

We recommend the following:

  • Worldpackers (of course!) 
  • Hopper
  • Kayak
  • Airbnb
  • Uber/Lyft/Cabify/My Taxi
  • FlightAware/FlightStats
  • Google Maps/Citymapper/Maps.me
  • Packpoint
  • XE Currency
  • WiFiMagic
  • Google Translate
  • Yelp/TripAdvisor
  • DuoLingo/Drops
  • Culture Trip
  • Trello/TripLine
  • Kindle/Medium
  • TRVL
  • Omio (formerly GoEuro)
  • Rome2Rio
  • Skyscanner
  • AZair
  • FlixBus
  • BlaBlaCar
  • 9292
  • Bike Share Buddy
  • Just Eat
  • TransferWise
  • PayPal
  • Money Manager
  • Couchsurfing
  • Booking
  • Hostelworld
  • Meetup
  • Pack Point
  • Google Photos
  • Everyplace
  • TimeOut
  • FreeTour and SANDEMANs New Europe
  • TRVL

To learn more about these apps and how to use them to your advantage while on the road, check out our articles on apps, including The best travel apps for the techy traveler, and 33 travel apps that will save you time and money in Europe.

3.3 Safety

If something happens between you and another volunteer or guest that makes you feel unsafe, speak to the management at your placement immediately

On the other hand, if your host does something that isn't cool and you don't want to continue your placement there, contact us immediately to access your Worldpackers Traveler's Insurance (section 2.3). 

If you're on the road and you're concerned about how to travel safely, look no further than Kimberli's 15 simple and straightforward travel safety tips for your ultimate safe travel guide.

3.4 Language learning

If you're nervous about speaking a foreign language, traveling abroad is one of the best ways to become confident and learn.

Many of our community members have used Worldpackers experiences to learn a new language naturally while traveling.

Languages allow us to connect to strangers, to learn about their life, culture, and to reflect about our own. There's a whole new world available to you through each new language you acquire! In fact, learning and practicing a new language is one of the best ways to immerse in local culture as you travel.

If you want to get real-time practice speaking a foreign language abroad but need some inspiration to get you on your way, check out Allan's 40 tips to overcome your fear of speaking new languages on your next trip with Worldpackers

3.5 Making money on the road

Being a Worldpackers traveler opens a door to working while traveling and making money on the road. 

This is without a doubt one of the greatest benefits to becoming a Worldpackers Verified Member.

Check out the following guides to learn more about how to embrace the travel-work lifestyle and successfully make a living on the road

Using Worldpackers travel experiences to become a digital nomad

If you have any other questions about traveling with Worldpackers, please don't hesitate to leave a comment or reach out and contact one of our Experts directly. 

In the meantime, check out more content on our Community Blog and share the tips and stories you're most inspired by!

Nothing should stop you from traveling the world. 

And there you have it. Let's travel!

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