Cynthia Baldi @ @cyn.plemente

How to live in nature by helping ecological project

Learn everything there is to know about the volunteer experience at ecological projects, the responsibilities of a collaborative trip, and how to live in nature!


Meet the mentor

Cynthia Baldi


🖐🏼 ¡Hola! Soy Cynthia, argentina nacida en Buenos Aires. 🎒 Un día me aburrí de mirar por la ventana y ver siempre el mismo paisaje de cemento, así que dejé todo lo que tenía para perseguir mi sueño de viajar y descubrir nuevos escenarios. 💪🏼 En contra de todos los preconceptos de lo que es viajar sola siendo mujer, tomé coraje y salí al mundo. 🌏 💙 Te muestro mis viajes, mis voluntariados y mi perspectiva desde Instagram, Facebook, YouTube y TikTok como @cyn.plemente y en mi podcast: LADO C de la vida y los viajes, que podés escuchar en Spotify. ¡Te invito a acompañarme en mis aventuras! ¡Buen viaje! ☺️

6 lessons • 56min

How to live in nature by helping ecological projects - Introduction

  • 2min

What is Eco volunteering?

  • 14min

Why choose Eco volunteering?

  • 9min

How to mentally prepare yourself

  • 10min

How to physically prepare yourself

  • 10min

What should I bring in a experience Eco volunteering?

  • 11min

Comments and reviews

Our feedback is all 100% transparent and provided by travelers like you.

(200 reviews)200









Top Endorsements

101 I learned how to plan my trip

94 I developed social and environmental awareness

92 I learned basic concepts

89 I discovered useful tools and materials

83 I learned new technical skills

77 I learned new interpersonal skills


Meredith United States

informative and easy to understand

about 10 hours ago


Vida Canada

I thought this course was fantastic. Particularly for first time travelers and volunteers, this course lays out all the basics and essentials, and also a lot of details that folks may not have considered. Thanks for putting this course together.

2 days ago


Hugo Argentina


9 days ago


Zully Colombia

Nicely done! It's really encouraging to see a woman with the world as her oyster. As for the course, I think it helped me rehash some basic notions I had about these types of volunteering experiences now that I am looking to acquire skills in sustainable projects, to be out there in the field and know what I should be prepared for, so I appreciate it a lot!

10 days ago


Mohamed Tunisia


10 days ago


Eduard Romania

Aparte del acento de Buenos Aires que inicialmente me dejo un poco confundido con algunas palabras basicas, todo lo demas fue un justo 10/10. :D

15 days ago

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