Reclaim summer in 2020 Reclaim summer in 2020

It's time toReclaim Summer

It is often said that there are two seasons in Australia: summer and everything else. It is a time when we recharge our positivity and become the best versions of ourselves. After the year that has been, this summer is more important than ever. Which is why we’ve filled this section with sunshine, with fun, with memories of halcyon summer days, with hope for the days to come. It is a love letter to the most Australian of seasons. It is time to #ReclaimSummer, time to find our joy again, and in doing so celebrate our resilience as a nation. Join the movement and share your summer with us by using the hashtag.

Summer getaways in Australia

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After the heartbreak of summer 2019/20, it almost feels like our collective duty to rediscover our love of this quintessential Aussie season. In the following articles we explore summer in Australia from all angles to help you #ReclaimSummer this year.